What is Kundalini Yoga (and Why do You Need it?)
Within each of us, exists an infinite, powerful energy, the Kundalini. For most, this life-force energy remains dormant, waiting to awaken. Through spiritual practices, like yoga and meditation, or spontaneously through life-changing events, you can experience a Kundalini awakening and perceive the true, blissful nature of the universe. Keep reading to learn how to experience an awakening through Kundalini Yoga and signs that you’re going through one.
What is Kundalini?
“The great goddess Kundalini, the primordial energy of the self, sleeps in the sexual region of the body. She has a form rather like a serpent, having three and one half coils. As long as she remains asleep, the individual soul (Shiva) is limited and true knowledge does not arise. But just as the right key unlocks a particular door, Hatha Yoga unlocks the door of Kundalini, allowing the self to experience Brahma and obtain Liberation.”
Thousands of years ago, the great yogis of the ancient Indus Valley civilizations began to uncover the true nature of the universe. Yogis tapped into the spirit-body connection, the eternal consciousness that activates energy centers throughout the body.
They call this the Kundalini. It means “coiled snake” in Sanskrit. This serpent-like life-force travels through the energy centers from the base of the spine up to the crown chakra.
You can channel this powerful energy and experience a true awakening through Kundalini Yoga and other practices. You may also recognize Kundalini meditation practices, popularized in the west by the controversial Yogi Bhajan in the 1960s.
What is Kundalini Yoga?
“Love is a totality. Love has no fear and no vengeance. Love has every answer.”
Each of us has “locks’ in the body, where Kundalini energy flow gets stuck and unable to flow freely. Kundalini Yoga moves energy in the body with intention.
Through Kundalini Yoga, you can tap into the energy frequency of each of the chakras and remove any blockages through breathwork, postures, eye gazes, and mantra chanting. Kundalini weaves together these practices to balance energy flow and connect with higher consciousness.
Some common Kundalini Yoga practices include:
Breath of fire: Slow and deep inhalations while expanding and contracting the abdomen
Mantra chanting: The repetition of healing sounds and prayer-like affirmations to elevate the consciousness and heal energy frequencies
Kriya exercises: Combinations of breath, posture, and sounds to balance energy
Mudras: Hand positions that channel Kundalini energy flow
Drishti: Eye gazes to enhance focus during yoga postures
Kundalini Yoga practices for everyday life
“Spiritual awareness must be brought into our daily life if we are to become receptive to the radiance of that Consciousness that is pulsing with divine vibrations.”
Practicing Kundalini Yoga in your daily routine can have a powerful impact on your life, and some even call it life-changing. Even just a 10 to 30-minute Kundalini Yoga kriya can send waves of powerful, positive energy for awakening and transformation
Ego eradicator
This simple pose brings clarity by balancing the two hemispheres of the brain and tapping into higher consciousness. Begin seated in easy pose (sukhasana). Flex fingers inward at the middle of the knuckles with thumbs pointed toward the sky. Extend arms in a V-shape. Focus your eyes on the third eye chakra and repeat the Breath of Fire.
Seated cat-cow
If you’ve ever done cat-cow on all fours, then the movement of this posture will feel familiar. In this Kundalini Yoga asana, begin seated in easy pose (sukhasana). Grasp the area just below your knees with both hands. With eyes closed, inhale as you lift your gaze and pull your heart forward into cow pose. Then exhale as you round your spine into cat pose, a wonderful set of poses to improve energy flow and flexibility in the spine.
Shoulder twist
This twisting pose releases stiffness in the upper back and along the spine, powerful movements to awaken Kundalini energy. While seated in easy pose (sukhasana), stretch the arms outwards. Bend your arms inward, and bring the fingertips to both shoulders. Keep elbows in line with your shoulders and parallel to the ground. Inhale as you twist to the left. Exhale as you twist to the right. Repeat. You can also chant the mantra Sat Nam to vibrate healing sound energy.
Now it’s time to focus on healing the lower chakras of the Kundalini. Stand with feet parallel against each other. As you exhale, bend forward, folding from the waist with hands resting on the mat. As you exhale, raise the heels and slowly lower the hips (similar to yogi squat). Use your arms to balance as you open the chest.
Incorporate these powerful Kundalini Yoga movements to connect with your inner life force. Book a spiritual retreat to learn directly from a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. You’ll receive guidance so you can incorporate these habits into your daily practice, for powerful healing and a deeper connection to consciousness.
What is a Kundalini Awakening?
Although Kundalini energy exists within all, most do not cultivate that mind-body connection to this life force. Those who experience a Kundalini Awakening awaken that energy within. This can happen spontaneously, through a life-altering event. Others may develop this connection, through spiritual practice like meditation and yoga.
During a Kundalini Awakening, you realize your true, divine nature. You recognize your inner consciousness as an infinite life force. You develop a greater understanding of your soul’s purpose, your dharma, in connection with the universe.
Signs of a Kundalini Awakening
Sooner or later on your spiritual journey, you will unlock the infinite energy that exists within you, the Kundalini. Experiencing a Kundalini Awakening can feel sudden and intense. For some, it can feel gradual and eye-opening. Those who experience this transformation tend to experience similar signs of a spiritual awakening. You may experience one or more of the following:
You feel a powerful shift in consciousness that transcends the ego.
You experience a life-changing event that changes your entire outlook.
You develop psychic abilities, like clairvoyance or clairaudience.
You feel surges of intense bliss and awe of the universe.
You experience synchronicities, meaningful or miraculous coincidences.
You notice signs from the universe, like Angel numbers or messages in dreams.
You finally break free from karmic cycles and learn lessons of your past.
You feel deep awareness in the present moment.
You receive cosmic downloads of inspiration and creativity that seem to come from a divine source.
You experience intense, involuntary shaking.
You receive messages from spiritual beings, like angels or spirit guides.
You have supernatural experiences, like seeing or hearing a spirit.
You crave solitude and space to connect with your Sacred Self.
The material pleasures of life no longer seem that important anymore.
You feel a deep sense of purpose and calling to something greater than yourself.
Is a Kundalini Awakening safe?
Kundalini is natural, yet powerful. It is the pure creative life force that exists within. If the Kundalini has remained dormant, an awakening can feel like an entire shift in your perception.
The venom of a snake can heal and harm. The Kundalini energy works in a similar way. It can feel scary, or it can empower you. You may become tainted by ego and pride, feeling spiritually superior. But remember, the Kundalini potential exists within all. That ego will only cause suffering and isolate you from connecting with the oneness of the universe.
It is an Art of Transformation, and understanding how to embrace change. If you know how to navigate the Kundalini Awakening, it can feel blissful and euphoric. You just need to know what to expect and how to embrace that energy flow.
How to navigate the powerful Kundalini Yoga Awakening
Experiencing a Kundalini Awakening can shake up your entire sense of reality. It can be a life-changing experience. Ultimately, it is neither good nor bad, but an experience that opens your consciousness to the true nature of all things.
Aspects of a Kundalini Awakening can feel uplifting, euphoric, and blissful. Just like any transformation, it can also feel scary. If you know what to expect, and how to navigate a Kundalini Awakening, you can go through the experience feeling empowered with a sense of peace and calm.
Connect with a mentor
If you are just experiencing a spiritual awakening for the first time, it can feel confusing or even scary. You may feel isolated, like no one else around you can understand what you are going through. Find an awakened teacher, like Osi who can give you guidance and support through this transformation, so you feel full of love, peace, and vitality.
Osi Mizrahi, founder of OsiLiving, is a writer, entrepreneur, and yoga instructor internationally recognized for her unique approach and deep understanding of Kundalini. She guides students toward a path that honors the self and promotes self-acceptance.
Embrace the experience
As you experience a Kundalini Awakening, the energy may feel intense and overwhelming. Rather than fight against the current, learn to ride the wave. Resisting the experience will only cause soul suffering and pain in the body.
When you feel a rush of intense emotion, take a break. Lay down and allow yourself to relax. Observe the experience, without letting it overwhelm you. The intensity will subside, and you allow yourself to process the energy. Otherwise, the energy may store in the body, and lead to ailments, stress, or blockages.
Practice meditation
Ancient yogis developed powerful Kundalini meditation practices, to help better embody your inner essence. Kundalini meditation can help embrace the transformation, so it doesn’t feel so scary or intense. Instead, you’ll raise your mind and body so that it adjusts peacefully as you realize your true nature.
Connect to the mind-body
Spiritual practices, like Kundalini Yoga, Tai Chi, or acupressure, help connect with and channel the life-force energy in the body. Include these practices in your regular wellness routine. This will keep you grounded, especially during an awakening. It will also ensure that energy flows naturally through you, rather than create blockages.
Go on a spiritual retreat
"Finding time and space to focus on recharging the body, mind and spirit allows you to return to the world full of vitality, creativity and inspiration. A retreat reminds us who we are in our essence and reconnects us to our passion, our drive, our kindness and innate goodness."
When you experience something as dramatic and life-altering as a Kundalini Awakening, it can shift your entire outlook on life. This can make it difficult to just go about your business like nothing happened. You may need a complete reset, away from it all, to experience an awakening in its fullness, without distractions or judgment from others who just don’t understand.
Spend time on a spiritual retreat to give yourself the space and support needed during a Kundalini Awakening. This gives you the chance to connect with your Sacred Self, to develop self-love, as you realize your true nature, as infinite and one with the universe.
Join Seeking Sacred Journeys for an inspiring and transformative sacred retreat and expand your spiritual awakening, nurturing self-love through Kundalini Yoga, spiritual practices, ceremony, sisterhood, and sacred self-care.