Create Your New Next Chapter with a Woman’s Retreat
Exhale First - Take a deep breath
Many of us have emerged from this tumultuous and heart-breaking year with an inner-knowing that there is no going back to the old “normal”. There is only the new future that we consciously create together. But, looking ahead can feel daunting and unrealistic…it’s hard to know where to begin and equally confusing to try and make plans when the situation seems to change on a daily basis.
Our Vision:
At Seeking Sacred Journeys, we feel the need for a deep and profound exhale before we turn our focus to creating the next chapter for ourselves and for the world. After a year of stress, anxiety, separation, loss and standstill, we are being called to reconnect with our soul-essence, remember our sacredness and commune with other like-hearted human beings. And, while wellness retreats in an exotic location may not seem like an obvious choice at this time, we whole-heartedly believe they offer a singular opportunity to experience the kind of total reset and rejuvenation that is most needed right now.
We are in no way dismissing the validity of safety concerns related to Covid-19. And yet, at Seeking Sacred Journeys we have been excitedly and energetically planning our next retreats for 2021-2022. Our commitment to travel and to wellness has never felt more necessary nor more urgent.
Here’s some of the reasons we think you’d be wise (or at least not crazy) to consider joining us.
1) Time to Reflect and Reimagine
The pandemic has forced many of us to reevaluate our lives and explore what’s truly important. The tragedy of COVID-19 has proven just how fragile life can be and that tomorrow isn’t promised. At SSJ, our response to that truth has been one of expansion rather than contraction. For it is when we move into full presence, completely rooted in the “now of nows” that we are able to value and celebrate each and every moment of our lives. We can’t afford to live in the “what ifs” or hold onto the past. Life is too precious and we don’t want to miss any of it.
A retreat away from it all, is the perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness and take a deep dive into the questions we so often put off asking. What is your highest vision for your life? What no longer serves you in the creation of that vision? (i.e. What needless activities and toxic people do you want to cut out of your life?). Are you living your truth? What resentments from the past do you need to let go of so you can create the coming chapter of your life with clarity, confidence and passion?
These are not always easy questions to explore, and certainly not when we feel rushed or constrained by day-to-day life. But the retreat environment, far away from your daily concerns, is the ideal environment to dive-deep, while being fully supported and guided by those who are also walking the path of transformation and self-growth.
We’ve heard a lot of talk about things “going back to normal”— but the pandemic has revealed that for many people, the old normal wasn’t all that great to begin with. In the future, if we want a better “new normal” we need to create it by first going within and to gain clarity and redefine our priorities.
2) Connect with Meaningful Community
A retreat is an opportunity to forge new friendships and to experience a sense of true belonging. In the age of quarantine, we’ve been longing for community more than ever. Next March will mark one year after most states initially went into lockdown. COVID-19 has changed many things, but it has not changed the fact that fundamentally we have a deep yearning for connection and to share our journey with others.
When we meet people in a normal setting, it can take a while to remove our superficial, external masks and reveal our deeper selves. But not when you’re on retreat. You’ll find it easier to express your authenticity and to share your truth without fear of judgement or criticism. You will feel seen, heard, supported and validated. The retreat is a container of unconditional love in which friendships blossom.
There is a deep sense of true belonging and joy that come from being part of a community of like-hearted individuals. It is potent medicine in and of itself. And, no matter where across the globe you come from, after the retreat the bonds of sisterhood remain strong.
3) A Safe Space to Work on Yourself
You’ll have plenty of time for relaxation and pampering but aspects of a retreat may also challenge you in the very best of ways. There is often resistance to letting go of limiting beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve us. Transformation and growth can be messy sometimes and you may experience internal conflict between who you are now and who you want to be. That’s why we think it’s such a good idea to work with professionals who can expertly guide and support you - and provide the integration that is crucial to create lasting change.
Undoing self-destructive patterns with the help of a spiritual coach or therapist is a courageous and profoundly gratifying process. At the same time, we won’t push you in any direction that you do not choose for yourself.
This kind of emotional excavation is difficult to do when you’re immersed in your ordinary surroundings and routine. Real change and growth often happen more easily when you step outside your comfort zone. A retreat provides the ideal opportunity to dive head-first into a totally new environment with new people, new ideas, and a new routine. When removed from the external circumstances of your daily life, there is an unconscious shift that takes place, old limitations and thinking fall away and you are free to become who you were always meant to be.
4) Stimulate your Senses with New Scenery and Experiences
We all have our personal bubbles in day-to-day life when it comes to the people we see and the things we do. But the pandemic has made our bubbles even smaller. Many people have rarely left their homes in the six months we’ve been in lockdown. That means no trips across the country, let alone out of the country, and very few expansive new experiences as a whole.
Although all of this has been for good reason, it has taken a massive toll, causing stress, anxiety, and depression (not to mention boredom). These feelings are caused, in no small part, by stagnation and a drain on our life-force energy. We’ve been standing still. Staying put and staring at the same walls every single day. Getting out of our everyday surroundings, work-from-home office, and mundane routines is a proven way to alleviate these feelings and to reignite our passion and inspiration for life.
In Costa Rica all of your senses will awaken to a wide variety of new sights and sounds - from the jungle to the beach. You’ll fall asleep to the sound of ocean waves and awaken to howler monkeys in the distance, you’ll inhale the smell of saltwater air, feel white sand beach between your toes and savor the flavor of delicious, locally-sourced cuisine. Our inner horizons expand as we step into outer unknowns.
5) Holistic Transformation
Seeking Sacred Journeys offers a comprehensive retreat experience to all attendees. We don’t just focus on spirituality. We don’t just focus on improving physical wellness and vitality. We don’t even just focus on teaching you the power of mindfulness and self-love. We expertly weave a blend of all these goals into a plan of balanced well-being and rejuvenation.
There are probably areas that you’ve been neglecting these past months. Have you put on weight? Disregarded caring for your mental health? Put off your spiritual practices? Our spiritual coaches, yoga teachers, meditation experts and nutritionists will give you the opportunity to take a deep dive into the area(s) which you would like to focus on most.
This individualized approach is proven to create more balance, clarity, vitality, inner-peace and joy.
Don’t Wait. Reserve Your Reclaiming the Sacred Self Experience!
Seeking Sacred Journeys wants to create a completely transformative experience! Our retreats offer the reset you have been yearning for - one that will empower you to shape the next new chapter of your life. This is a valuable investment in yourself and you are worth it.